Westwood Community Primary School

Welcome to Westwood Primary School. We are very proud of our school. The children are hard-working and caring and staff are committed to providing the very best care and education for the children.

Westwood is a three/four form entry school operating over a split site (Oak and Maple sites) and is part of the Elliot Foundation Multi-Academy Trust. In the academic year 2019-2020, we will have approximately 790 children, from Reception to Year 6.

The school is a welcoming and exciting place where children and adults enjoy learning and work hard to realise their potential. We strive to offer a high standard of teaching and learning set within a broad, balanced and creative curriculum.  We aim to provide opportunites for all children to continue to develop socially, physically and intellectually by enabling them to:-

  • Gain skills and knowledge and the desire to use them
  • Form healthy attitudes of mind, body and imagination
  • Understand human achievements in the Arts and Sciences
  • Begin to understand some of the attitudes and complexities of a multi-ethnic society
  • Acquire a sense of self-confidence, self-esteem, independence and sensitivity to the needs of others

Westwood provides a safe, happy and healthy place that fosters positive relationships and high standards of behaviour. We strongly believe that education is a partnership between the school, parents and pupils. We offer numerous parent workshops throughout the year and invite parents to attend twilight sessions when aspects of the curriculum are discussed.

As a school we place a high priority on Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision and use a multi-agency approach to providing care for our pupils. Some children will have an individual education plan (IEP) and may be place on the school’s SEN register according to their needs. If children do not respond to relevant and purposeful provision within the school, then the Local Authority will consider the need for statutory assessment following a request by the school and parents. A very small minority of children are then issued with an Education, Health and Care Plan. All parents will be fully informed of any actions or decisions made regarding their children. The school’s SEN and Inclusion Policy is available from the school office.

We want to inspire children to become confident and caring individuals who will make a positive contribution towards society and enjoy future success.

If you’re searching for your next teaching post, why not contact us now? You’ll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We’re always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers.
